
Travels of 2019-2020 Winter Break

This essay was finished before the start of 2020 spring semester. During this winter break I went to Seattle, Washington State for visiting and travelling. Seattle is a modern city with beautiful scenery. It is a three dimensional city which means it has mountains around and in the city. Thus it is easy for us to see the big mountains around the city and find a place to see the full view of the city. Seattle also has many native technical giants such as Microsoft, Amazon and Boeing. It is a city of creativity and imagination. The modern city is almost the same in America as China. They both suffer from traffic, high price of property and high living expense. Meanwhile, people living at those big cities can really enjoy the result of globolization. For example, in Seattle, special kind of Chinese dishes can be easily found in those Chinese restaurants. Sometimes while living in Seattle, it is hard for us to tell apart whether we are in America or China because we can eat chinese food, watch chinese tv show and chat with chinese. I really enjoy living in big city and wish to move to big city after graduation. To make a living in big city, people need to have their own specialties. Coming back to school for master degree is another way for me to build up my specialty. For the new coming 20spring semester, my own plan is to learn and practise some real and pratical skill for my future work. Focus on my own target and do not get distracted.

Some photos of seattle are as following:

Author: Zili Fang
Link: https://fzl1029.github.io/2020/01/10/Travels-of-2019-2020-Winter-Break/
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