
19FALL Summary

Aggies do not lie, cheat or steal, nor do they tolerate those who do.

Nightfall after school

This was my first semester in the Uniited States and also my first graduate semester. The three courses I selected this semester are Machine Learning, Computer Architecture and Electronic Design Automation(EDA). As my background were mainly semiconductor devices and analog integrated circuit design, the course study took almost every minute of the semester. The course study here was quite different from what was like in China. Every courses had so much homework such as Lab and project. Fortunately my school did not require graduate students so strict with their course study. Sometimes even we didn’t do our homework carefully and just submitted them, we could still get like full mark of our homework. This seemed weird but it actually existed. One advantage for having so much homework was that we can actually practice what we were learning. One disadvantage was that I didn’t have much time digesting the contents taught at school. Thus, from this semester I indeed learned quite lot of material or contents but actually I could not handles them well.

Author: Zili Fang
Link: https://fzl1029.github.io/2019/12/18/19FALL-Summary/
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